User Notice, Disclaimer, and Waiver of Liability: This website serves as a free consumer directory to assist potential clients in finding Real Estate Agents and Offices in their area. Our directory is State-specific, with some State lists being further broken down into regions or areas based on population or size to be more relevant to the searcher. Our picks are based on our research and/or nominations. We offer both no-cost and paid memberships, and members must agree to be listed. Nominations cannot be bought or purchased. Our organization’s picks for the directory should not be interpreted as an endorsement or guarantee of their qualifications, abilities, or performance. The designation of our ten best, ten best, best, excellence, excellence in practice, best pick, or similar words reflects our organization and/or our organization's selection process and acceptance of the Real Estate Agent and/or Office, which considers a variety of factors and is not intended to imply that these picks are the only, or necessarily the best, Real Estate Agents or Offices available. Membership and/or listing within our organization do not imply any warranty or assurance of the quality or effectiveness of the Real Estate Agent’s or Office's work or representation, nor is it a definitive and final comparative ranking among all Real Estate Agents or Offices. Potential new clients and/or users of this site should conduct their own due diligence and research when selecting their Real Estate Agent or Office to find the right professional that fits their needs. This website may affiliate with, own, work in conjunction with, and/or be part of other such/similar sites and/or companies. For any specific real estate advice or representation, please consult directly with a Real Estate Agent or Office of your choice. We do our best to make the most accurate directory of qualified Real Estate Agents and Offices. However, we do not represent that the listed members are the best of all Real Estate Agents and/or Offices. The members in our directory must have accepted either a paid membership or a free membership to be included in the directory; i.e., a Real Estate Agent and/or Office not listed does not suggest that they are more or less qualified, it just means that the agent and/or office may not have accepted membership in this organization. We do not represent the best selection on this directory to be the only Real Estate Agent and/or Office you can choose from but rather a list based on qualified agents and/or offices that we have researched and that have accepted nomination. This directory should be utilized as a supplement to your own research, and we do not endorse, warrant the work or representation of, and/or product of any member listed on this website. Additionally, higher population areas and/or larger geographic regions may be broken down into region(s) to more directly reflect the Real Estate Agents/Offices in the area that the consumer/client may be searching. It is the responsibility of the consumer/client to choose the Real Estate Agent and/or Office that is right for them based on their own research as a whole and their specific needs, and this website should only be used as a supplement to that research. Organization staff of this organization may use shortened, pseudonymous, or abbreviated names when interacting with or contacting members or potential new members at their discretion or that of the organization. This organization reserves the right to revise these terms of use for its website at any time without notice. This is to inform you that the address associated with the organization is solely for the purpose of mail receipt and does not constitute a physical location or presence. This website may affiliate with, own, work in conjunction with, and/or be part of other such/similar sites and/or companies. If you feel that you received a nomination in error, that something is not correct on the directory or website, have new information, and/or have information that you feel we may not have considered, please email us at
[email protected]. We take into consideration, but are not limited to in our research, online reviews, other awards, years of experience, specialization, education, speaking engagements, etc. This list is not exhaustive, and we may take into consideration other factors. We ask that any member or nominee with new or additional information notify us immediately at
[email protected] so that we may reevaluate the nomination and/or directory listing. By using this page, the user waives and releases this company and any of its affiliates of any and all liability and acknowledges the limitation of the service. Our directory is based on our methodology and is not an absolute or exhaustive ranking. National and local press releases are submitted but we cannot guarantee that the media outlet will publish.